Building Mask. Clean Air You Can Trust.
AIROTRUST is a solution designed to reduce airborne particles. It’s the building mask for clean air you can trust. Our magnetic filter housing paired with a high quality filter snaps directly onto your ceiling tiles over a return or supply vent to create an extra layer of air filtration. During these difficult times, we have found it to be a great way for businesses to welcome back their employees and customers with the added peace of mind that comes with clean, safe air.
Choose the best filter for your application.
We offer a range of high quality, top of the line, air filters from our suppliers that fit into our AIROTRUST 2x2 filter mount. Each of the filters we offer have unique characteristics and specifications making different filter solutions best for different situations. Hit the link below for more information on what you should choose.

Minimum Airflow Restriction
Learn how AiroTrust efficiently balances particle reduction with a low system impact.

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